User Interface
Mobile App
Platform Performance
[v6.9] Mobile App and Major Platform Improvements!

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! The Mobile App is finally here!
Yes, the long-awaited feature request is finally fulfilled. The Mobile App has made it to iOS App Store and Google Play Store! Quick, download it now and tell us how does it feel.

Apart from this big feature, we did a
round of refactoring of the platform to improve the experience for all of you. Check out what we did :[NEW] Ability to open multiple Spaces
- If you have to manage multiple spaces at one go, here is a good news for you, you can now open multiple spaces on multiple tabs in the same browser. Just be sure to check the space you are working on. [NEW] Agent's Read/Seen Receipts
- Previously, when a contact sends a message, the message was immediately marked as read to the contact. Your contact must have been wondering why is there no response after the message it read. So we made some changes and only send the read receipt when the agent replies to the contact so your contacts don't get frustrated. [IMPROVED] Faster Loading Platform
- We did some digging around and look for ways to improve the loading time of the platform. After many challenges, we adopted a few methods to load the platform faster so you all can get to your work faster. [IMPROVED] Improved Messages Module
- Fixed some user interface issues and reduced the debounce time for better performance. Loading conversations in the Messages Module will be faster than before. We also added a lazy-loading for the Emoji Picker. [IMPROVED] Dashboard Stats
- Some of you may have experience with the delay or miscalculation of the stats. We heard you and we fixed it already! [IMPROVED] Refactored Messaging Server
- Yes, we took a good look on our messaging servers and cleaned it up to make sure they are performing and achieving what is intended to make sure the platform is working fine for you. and not to forget, here comes the annoying bugs...
- Duplication of Dialogflow Echo Messages on Facebook.
- Handled the file transfer complete event for 360Dialog
- Custom Fields of type Checkbox (i.e. Boolean) were not showing.
- Template Messages content didn't support line-breaks.